Spotlight series: What is Hey311 used for?

What is Hey311?
Hey311 is a citizen engagement app that enables constituents to log and track municipal issues like a pothole or fallen tree on the road. It is based on the 911 protocol, where 311 is used to communicate issues that concern public space and services.
It's currently used by bigger municipalities, but the benefits can be reaped by municipalities of any size.
How does it work?
Hey311 is a widget that is integrated with your website and available as an app. Constituents, when they’d like to log a report, use either phone or website to describe the problem, fill out the address/ closest landmarks, and attach a photo.
Hey311 can combine existing features to log issues like email and texts, to reroute it all into the app - meaning, you only have to check the app! One inbox to check.
How does it help you and your municipality?
- FREE up your phone lines!
- Municipal issues are reported 24/7 without any disturbing phone calls to you.
- Unclog your email inbox as community members will log issues, and you can assign them.
- Eliminate calls after hours/ over weekends.
- Include the community as part of the municipality. Constituents taking ownership of keeping a well-functioning community is the motivation for everyone to get involved.
Why is it unique?
Hey311 is unique because it’s a physical app that uses geo-location for all reports: which means you don’t have to write down an address on a post-it and stick it on someone's desk. Or, find landmarks to get an address to help sort out the issue!
Why is it important?
Constituents get notification on the progress, they can see when the issue is addressed.
- Encourage transparency! Transparency = trust and automated notifications are sent out, it means one less call you need to make.
- A community that trusts in their local government create a community where everyone looks out for each other and everyone benefits from improved service delivery.
The aim of the ‘Spotlight Blog' series is to create awareness around each tool in the HeyGov toolkit. Hey311 is truly a unique tool (much like everything else in HeyGov - yes, we can say that!) as it engages with the challenges in communities head-on to provide efficient local governance.