Simplified Short Term Rental (STR) Applications

You get an easy-to-use, intuitive platform that helps you keep track of all your applications and ensure they're up to date and compliant with all the regulations.

STR Applications are Complex

Completing an STR application is tough. It’s not uncommon to receive applications with mistakes or forgotten information. HeyGov makes the application process smoother for you and your applications. This is because the HeyGov software is flexible and is custom-tailored to your municipality’s short term application process. It ensures that every applicant completes their form properly and with fewer mistakes & headaches. That means they don’t need to contact you to clarify anything, which saves both of you a lot of time & prevents any delays.

Easily track all applications

HeyGov makes it easy to stay on top of everything and ensure compliance. You can streamline the entire STR application process, reduce the time spent managing applications, and provide better service to your local area property owners.

Complex Forms are Easier to Digest

Onboard with HeyGov’s White Glove Service

We provide your municipality with the expertise and assistance to have a fully-customized municipal payment system. We support you throughout the changing needs of your municipality.

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Learn more about how HeyGov can help streamline your municipality. Attend a weekly webinar to see the world's most advanced municipal payment system.

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weekly Demo

Learn more about how HeyGov can help streamline your municipality. Attend a weekly “Drop In Demo” to see the world's most advanced municipal payment system.

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