The Building Permit Solution for the 21st Century
HeyGov offers a modern and user-friendly solution that converts your paper-based permitting process to an online one.
Ditch the Paper Process
Ready to ditch a building permit process that is 100% paper-based? Do you have continuous in-person meetings with applicants through this process? If so, HeyGov has a solution which will let you do less writing and talk to fewer people, which is frankly a win all round. HeyGov offers a modern and user-friendly solution that converts your paper-based permitting process to an online one. It’s a modern and user-friendly solution that converts your paper-based permitting process to an online one.
Online Convenience
You get a system that puts your building application process online. Receive a custom-built solution that includes the application and tracking process, workflow and payment section. All our finest proverbial bells and metaphorical whistles.
Virtual “Filing Cabinet”